Health and safety
Health and safety underpins everything we do. We strive to maintain a healthy and safe working environment for our employees, contractors, and visitors, while enhancing the physical health and psychosocial wellbeing of our people.

We are committed to complying with all health and safety laws and regulations governing our activities and have developed a robust governance and compliance framework for adherence to legislation.
We follow a well-defined strategy to ensure safety remains our number one priority across all areas of our business:
- Leadership: Highly engaged, visible and proactive safety leadership at all levels.
- Operational discipline: Unwavering discipline and commitment to perform through training, awareness and enhanced governance.
- Fit-for-purpose systems: Continually improve and simplify the health and safety framework and processes to ensure they remain fit for purpose and eliminate any barriers to success.
- Fatality prevention program: Ensuring critical risk activities are identified and managed with clear accountabilities for verification of critical controls.
- Healthy people and workplaces: Active investment in the health and wellbeing of our people through the identification and management of health risk factors and educating our workforce. We have a clear focus on the wellbeing of our people, which encompasses physical and mental health.
As our business grows, we continue to focus on providing our people with the necessary skills, systems and processes to perform their roles safely.
We are committed to further safety performance improvements and have in place the leadership, culture and systems to enable that journey to continue.

Our health and safety management system establishes a clear set of values and objectives to reduce the likelihood and severity of incidents. MinRes ensures compliance with company and regulatory requirements for managing workplace health and safety.
Supported by a dedicated team of health and safety professionals, our safety management system is tailored to meet specific business needs, assisting our business units and operations to effectively manage health and safety risks.
The health and safety management system is continuously reviewed in line with internal performance data, internal and external feedback, and legislative updates – ensuring information remains accurate and relevant to the safety of our people, contractor partners and visitors.
Our operations, projects and departments have dedicated safety representatives who actively engage in health and safety matters at a site-level, including reported hazards, near misses and safety performance.
A weekly safety and training notification is sent to all operational teams with internal safety alerts and other health, safety and training notifications.
This includes toolbox topics for discussion at pre-start and toolbox meetings for the following week.
Worker health and safety meetings are held each month across our operations, with strong safety performances recognised through safety achievement certificates and individual or team awards.
To ensure effective communication and consultation on relevant health and safety matters, our operations will look to:
- provide relevant information, as early as practicable, to all stakeholders and management teams to ensure they have sufficient information to make well-informed decisions in a timely manner
- consider the views of employees and contractors and provide them with the opportunity to contribute to the decision-making process regarding workplace health and safety
- provide employees who may be affected by decisions that relate to their health and safety with an opportunity to express their views and understand the reasons for the decisions undertaken
- facilitate regular health and safety meetings, such as prestart and toolbox meetings to discuss and promote safety performance
- supply health and safety information upon request, presented in easy-to-understand language and format
- assist elected health and safety representatives, so far as is reasonably practicable, to support our workforce.
MinRes is committed to creating a safe and respectful environment where employees can enjoy rewarding and fulfilling professional working relationships and differences are celebrated. Our workplaces are free from inappropriate behaviour including bullying, discrimination, harassment and workplace violence and aggression.
Our Safe and Respectful Behaviours Procedure defines and explains key terms relating to safe and respectful workplace behaviour and provides information on responsibilities and expectations as well as education and options for raising concerns.
Living our values means supporting each other, showing respect in our interactions and doing our best to consider things from someone else’s perspective. We encourage everyone in our workforce to be active bystanders by showing up, standing up and speaking up when witnessing impropriate or unacceptable behaviour.
Any person in our business who has witnessed or experienced sexual harassment, sexual assault or any behaviour that doesn’t align with our values or Code of Conduct, is encouraged and supported to report through internal channels or externally through our confidential whistleblowing service.
We maintain site-specific induction packages, which can be completed prior to arriving on site, featuring site-specific information and supporting a streamlined transition to site.
MinRes continues to review our training processes, conducting a needs analysis of our systems, requirements and onboarding process for all personnel joining the business.
The minimum and recommended training requirements are identified for specific job roles to ensure workers, supervisors and managers are suitably experienced and qualified to perform their work.
We assess the competency of our workforce to meet safety requirements through our Verification of Competency Procedure, which ensures:
- employees have the required skills and knowledge to successfully achieve their job scope safely
- employees are competent to successfully complete their job scope to the required standard
- we comply with all legislative, organisational, industry and client requirements.
MinRes has well defined and robust processes for hazard identification, risk assessment and incident management.
Our Hazard and Risk Management Procedure defines the minimum requirements to identify, analyse, evaluate, control, monitor and review occupational hazards, exposures and risks within the business.
Defining risk consequence levels, likelihood, risk ratings and a hierarchy of controls ensure consistent risk management across the business.
We identify all principal mining hazards (PMH) specific to our operations, in line with new provisions in the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Mines Regulations 2022.
To ensure a consistent approach to identifying and assessing a principal mining hazards, we implement a Principal Mining Hazard Management Plan framework across our mining operations.
Facilitators of hazard and risk assessment processes must be trained and competent in the tools and techniques utilised.
Our workforce undertakes mandatory training on the task-based assessment tools in use. We evaluate the effectiveness of our risk assessment process to mitigate hazards and ensure continuous improvement.
We also have a clear focus on near-miss reporting. We believe learning from these events is essential to helping prevent reoccurrences and continually improve our safety culture and performance.
Our suppliers are an important part of our workforce and are integral to the safe delivery of high-quality products and services to our customers.
Our Contractor Management Procedure outlines the process for verifying that contractor and subcontractor groups have the necessary skills, resources, licenses and equipment to safely undertake work activities across our operations.
Several key processes are followed when engaging with our contracting partners, ensuring compliance with our standards and agreed obligations and responsibilities.
Key elements of successful contractor engagement at MinRes include:
- A prequalification process tailored to the relevant contractor category
- Submission of safety documentation specific to the scope of work
- Completion of required inductions and compliance requirements
- Implementation of checks, balances, and completion of the authorisation to commence work form
- Ongoing supervision and performance monitoring.
- Supplier demobilisation process and post engagement evaluation.
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