Responsible supply chain
We are committed to securing sustainably sourced goods and services across our value chain and sharing joint responsibility with our suppliers regarding environmental protection and human rights.

Conflict minerals
Our Responsible Production Policy outlines our commitment and responsibility to respect human rights, engage in responsible production and sourcing, and not contribute to conflict.
While we do not operate in any high-risk or conflict-affected areas, we recognise there may be a risk of significant adverse impacts associated with extracting, trading, handling and exporting minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas.
We are guided by the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (CAHRA) and comply with relevant United Nations sanctions resolutions or, where applicable, domestic laws implementing such resolutions.

Managing supply chain risks
We recognise that throughout our supply network, and most likely in the deeper layers of our supply chain, we could be indirectly exposed to human rights risks, including risks of modern slavery practices.
To prevent, detect and address human rights abuses, including modern slavery, we:
- identify parts of our business and supply chain where there are elevated exposures to the risk of potential human rights abuses
- conduct risk assessments and enhanced due diligence as required in relation to human rights in our business and supply chains
- assess our effectiveness and continually improve our methods to prevent risks relating to human rights in our business and supply chains
- engage directly with suppliers about specific risks via supply chain questionnaires, social compliance audits and corrective action plans, working with them to provide further visibility into Tier 2 risks and beyond.
Local and Indigenous procurement
We are committed to contracting business partners to promote, support and employ local Indigenous Australians through a range of well-designed and fully supported business opportunities.
We place high importance on purchasing goods and services locally to support the communities in which we operation to build resilient supply chains.
We invest in building local capability by identifying programs and processes that can assist local Indigenous businesses and people to meet their aspirations in having their own business.

Environmental procurement
We aim to engage with suppliers that take a precautionary approach towards environmental issues and seek ways to minimise the adverse environmental impacts of their operations, products and services.
We expect our suppliers to take appropriate actions to evaluate and mitigate the risks and opportunities of climate change associated with their operations.
Get in touch
Please get in touch if your business is interested in supplying goods or services to MinRes.