Modern slavery
We are committed to preventing modern slavery occurring within our operations and supply chain. We work to continuously improve our approach to identify and mitigate modern slavery and ethical sourcing risks.

Modern Slavery
We are opposed to modern slavery occurring within our operations and supply chain and expect that our employees, contractors, joint venture partners and suppliers will not tolerate any instances of adverse human rights impacts, including modern slavery.
Modern slavery refers to situations where one person has taken away another person’s freedom so that they can be exploited.
This may include human trafficking, slavery, servitude, forced labour, debt bondage, worst forms of child labour, deceptive recruiting for labour or services or forced marriage.
Expectations of our suppliers
We require all our suppliers to operate in an ethical, responsible, open and transparent manner and be compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.
Our Supplier Code of Conduct defines expectations of our suppliers concerning health and safety, labour and human rights, and community, environmental and business integrity issues. It also outlines appropriate management, reporting and compliance processes.
Our expectation of supplier behaviour and practices extends beyond our Tier 1 suppliers, with all suppliers expected to ensure their suppliers and contractors adhere to principles equivalent to or greater than ours as addressed in the Supplier Code of Conduct.
Suppliers also have access to our confidential independent whistleblowing service, MinRes Integrity Assist, to report any concerns or misconduct relating to human rights breaches or concerns.
Support for our suppliers
MinRes is an active member of the Human Rights Resources and Energy Collaborative (HHREC), which was formed to provide a forum for companies in the resources and energy sector to share knowledge, improve practices and develop resources to better combat modern slavery across our industries.
The HRREC has developed a toolkit, which includes frequently asked questions and a modern slavery fact sheet, which can be accessed below.
In accordance with our reporting obligations under the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth), we develop an Annual Modern Slavery Statement which outlines our commitment to identifying and addressing risks of modern slavery throughout our operations and supply chain.
Read our Modern Slavery Statements.