MIN | $24.29 (6.72%)
MIN | $24.29 (6.72%)


We acknowledge our responsibility to avoid, minimise and rehabilitate impacts to ecosystems and the management of biodiversity where we operate, to support the long-term viability and sustainability of the mining industry.

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Our management approach

Our Environment team ensures biodiversity is appropriately managed and protected across our operations and we operate in line with relevant legislation, standards, compliance obligations and codes of practice.

We integrate responsible environmental management practices during all aspects of the mine lifecycle to protect the long-term health of the environment and communities where we operate.

As required under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA), we undertake ecological surveys of biodiversity values and we are committed to aligning our reporting to the incoming GRI Biodiversity Standard, and further aim to align with the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosed (TNFD) framework.

Our Biodiversity Strategy supports us in meeting our regulatory requirements in environmental matters, while recognising the responsibility for biodiversity management in ecosystems where our business operates.

It helps ensure we meet the interests of key stakeholders and the expectations of regulators and the community and is anchored on the application of the precautionary principle and the four core principles of the mitigation and conservation hierarchy: avoid, minimise, rehabilitate or restore, and offset.

We support the various research initiatives aimed at growing understanding and positive action in support of better biodiversity outcomes.

These include:

  • environmental DNA research program with Curtin University to examine how recent technological advances can provide more efficient biodiversity survey techniques
  • research programs to investigate the ecology and habitat requirements of malleefowl towards better conservation outcomes for the species
  • developing a tool utilising high-resolution satellite imagery for near real-time monitoring of the health of groundwater-dependent vegetation and other important ecosystems.

Management actions and controls related to potential environmental impacts include:

  • adhering to approved clearing areas and permits
  • developing and implementing land clearing procedures
  • conducting appropriate baseline surveys conducting environmental education
  • implementing flora, fauna and PAF management plans
  • implementing water management plans and water-sensitive designs
  • implementing noise, vibration, dust and artificial light control measures
  • creating artificial habitat structures
  • engaging with regional stakeholders to develop landscape-scale projects
  • engaging in targeted research programs for significant species
  • ensuring appropriate landform design
  • planning and executing rehabilitation and closure plans
  • advancing offset opportunities.
  • implementing environmental management plans for management, monitoring and reporting processes.
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