MIN | $24.29 (6.72%)
MIN | $24.29 (6.72%)


We are committed to an environmental management approach that maintains our licence to operate in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner. This commitment starts from the very beginning of an operation’s life and extends beyond closure.

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high impact environmental incidents recorded (FY24)
of tailings materials were managed as dry stack tailings, totaling 3,856,841 dry metric tonnes (FY24)
native trees planted and seeded over 109 hectares at our Yilgarn Lot 451 offset site (FY24)

Our environmental management approach

Our mining operations are managed in line with an environmental regulatory framework governed by both Commonwealth and State legislation.

The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) outlines the legal framework for managing significant impacts on matters of national environmental significance and is supported by Western Australian State legislation, including but not limited to the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA), the Mining Act 1978 (WA) and the Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914 (WA).

Our Environment Policy covers emissions to air, operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water use, waste generation, biodiversity, land management and rehabilitation.

The Policy is implemented through our Environmental Management System (EMS) and was developed in line with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems standard.

Our EMS includes operation-specific Environmental Management Plans (EMPs), specifically developed to manage the key environmental aspects and impacts at our operations and supporting procedures, work instructions and forms.

We support the precautionary principle and action the principle through risk assessments, strategic planning, and environmental and social baseline studies embedded in our EMS processes.

To ensure our EMS remains relevant, we subscribe to EnviroLaw (an online directory) to obtain regular updates on environmental legislation, codes of practice, guidelines and published standards.

We also have representation on the Association of Mining and Exploration Companies, the Environment and Water Committee, and the Chamber of Minerals and Energy Environment Committee, ensuring we remain engaged on emerging developments in Australian environmental policy.

Our dedicated Environment team delivers a diverse range of environmental support and is responsible for environmental approvals, environmental management and regulatory reporting, as well as compliance, rehabilitation and closure.

We have several specialists in key areas of geographic information systems, biodiversity, compliance, mine closure and project approvals to further strengthen our in-house capability and skills base.

Each operational site has Environmental Advisors responsible for onsite environmental governance, training and awareness, compliance and monitoring.

Relevant environmental information is shared with our teams through internal reporting and meetings.

Our Compliance Systems team reviews environmental incidents each week to ensure appropriate classification, risk assessment and close-out.

We employ a cross-site superintendent to ensure consistency in our environmental management approach across operational sites, and that systems and processes are embedded on site to appropriately address and manage environmental risks.

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Avoiding, minimising and rehabilitating the impact our operational activities may cause to ecosystems and supporting the long-term viability and sustainability of the mining industry.

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Water stewardship

Applying strong and transparent water governance, managing water effectively and collaborating with key stakeholders for responsible and sustainable water use.

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Tailings and waste rock

Designing, operating and managing our tailings storage facilities in a safe, sustainable and responsible way.

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Minimising risks to human health, safety, the environment and communities through effective waste management.

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Land management and rehabilitation

Rehabilitating and closing disturbed land in a way that is physically safe to humans and animals, and capable of sustaining an agreed post-mining land use.

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Effective asset closure exploring every avenue to leave safe, stable, non-polluting and sustaining landforms, and enabling timely and cost-effective relinquishment of the lease.

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Research and innovation

We fund research centres, initiatives and projects to support the progress of environmental management and science.

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Air quality

We are committed to minimising adverse air quality associated with our operations and where possible protect the environment through the efficient use of natural resources.


Project environmental publications and reports

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Central Pilbara
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Central Pilbara

Key documents

Sustainability Policy
Environment Policy
Community Policy
News and media


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