MIN | $30.24 (-6.09%)
MIN | $30.24 (-6.09%)

Workplace gender equality

Improving female representation across our sites and offices is a key focus for our business.

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Our 2022 – 2023 Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) Report submission is an overview of our progress on gender equity metrics such as female participation and gender pay equity.

MinRes has made positive progress on gender equality, with female workforce participation up from 17.4 per cent in the 2020-21 reporting period, to 22.2 per cent this year. While representation of female managers has nearly doubled since 2020-21, growing from 8.5 per cent to 15.1 per cent this year.

The report submissions can be found below:

Our Gender Equity Strategy for 2024 incorporates seven key focus areas:

  • Gender balance
  • Pay equality
  • Leadership and accountability
  • Gender policy and procedures
  • Women in leadership and emerging women
  • Safe and respectful behaviours
  • Gendered violence and domestic and family violence
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