MIN | $46.09 (-2.46%)
MIN | $46.09 (-2.46%)

Diversity and inclusion

Maintaining working environments that value diversity of thought and experience, and where each person’s unique differences are recognised and valued.

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We embrace and celebrate the diversity of our people and are committed to creating an inclusive and diverse workplace.

Our Diversity and Inclusion Policy outlines MinRes' commitment to creating and maintaining a work environment that values diversity of thought and experience, and where each person’s unique differences are recognised and valued.

We also understand the potential for diversity to lead to improved organisational performance.

To help achieve this, we are:

  • raising awareness and setting diversity targets for our workforce
  • focusing on building a pipeline of female and Indigenous talent
  • reviewing any gender bias throughout our recruitment and selection process
  • analysing female turnover and experiences

While we are placing a great deal of emphasis on improving our diversity, we recognise achieving our targeted outcomes requires ongoing focus.

We are setting the tone at the top with female representation on our Board, and have created a Diversity and Inclusion Committee to work across the business to identify ways to attract and retain a diverse workforce.

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Gender diversity

MinRes is committed to increasing participation, development and retention of female talent.

Our gender equality strategy outlines our intent, priorities and objectives for creating a workplace that supports diversity at all levels – with a focus on the following key areas:

  • Attracting and selecting female talent
  • Creating internal and external networking and mentoring opportunities
  • Measuring gender diversity performance at all levels of the employee lifecycle
  • Implemented a gender pay-gap analysis as an embedded process
  • Identifying and developing female talent

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) also promotes gender equality in employment and workplaces and publishes gender pay gaps for private sector employers with 100 or more employees.

You can view our 2022 – 2023 Workplace Gender Equality Report and read the MinRes Employer Statement for more information on our approach to creating a balanced workplace.

MinRes has been recognised for our commitment to gender equity when we were named an endorsed employer of women by WORK180.

WORK180 is a global network encouraging more informed employment decisions and highlighting companies with policies, benefits and initiatives that support women’s careers.

Organisations endorsed by WORK180 must demonstrate a genuine commitment to improving diversity and meet specific criteria relating to workplace policies, benefits, and initiatives encouraging and supporting women to build successful careers.

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Indigenous employment and training

We are dedicated to increasing the participation of Indigenous Australians throughout our business, providing a range of opportunities in training and employment.

As of 30 June 2023, MinRes achieved 3.5% Indigenous workforce representation, a 94% per cent increase from FY22.

Our Indigenous Engagement and People teams collaborate to ensure the accessibility of internal and external support mechanisms for Indigenous employees within our business.

Read more on our Indigenous engagement through our business and within the community.

Our Indigenous Engagement sessions are held regularly throughout the year, providing an opportunity for Indigenous candidates to meet hiring managers and recruiters whilst participating in interviews and activities.

Our New to Industry sessions are held bi-monthly and are designed to educate and assist Indigenous Australians who are interested in joining the mining industry.

Learn more about our employment expression of interest.

Our vision for reconciliation

Our vision prioritises education, mutual respect and positive action as key pillars in building a successful and respected business that appreciates and is enriched by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures.

We have a RAP Working Group and our new Innovate RAP is currently under development.

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