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Lithium Enterprise Agreement Information Hub

Welcome to the Information Hub for the CSI & PMI Lithium Operations Enterprise Agreement 2023.

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Bargaining meetings for the new agreement commenced in mid-January 2024.

We are a dynamic business, and we want to position the company and you to achieve our growth ambitions. The enterprise bargaining process plays a crucial role in securing the future of our lithium operations and contributes to the ongoing success of MinRes. We value your input, and if you have any feedback or questions not addressed in the below FAQs please email employee.relations@mrl.com.au

Please check back here regularly for more information. This page is your central resource for key documents and updates throughout the process. Our objective is to develop an agreement that reflects the way our people work and how we reward you for your contribution. We will continue to place a focus on the creation of a sustainable agreement framework, that will continue to provide opportunities and job security through fluctuations in the commodity price cycles.

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What is an Enterprise Agreement (EA)?

An Enterprise Agreement (sometimes referred to as an “EA” or “EBA”) is an agreement between an employer and a group of employees.

It sets minimum terms and conditions (T&Cs) of employment that apply to that group of workers. It also guarantees agreed benefits, as determined through the bargaining process.

In simple terms, through the T&Cs and benefits, EAs leave you better off overall than the conditions in relevant Modern Awards.

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Frequently asked questions

Common questions relating to the CSI & PMI Lithium Operations Enterprise Agreement 2023.

What are enterprise agreements?

An enterprise agreement is an agreement negotiated between an employer and its employees which sets out the minimum terms and conditions of employment.

What is enterprise bargaining?

Enterprise bargaining is the process of negotiation between an employer, employees and their bargaining representatives for the purposes of making an enterprise agreement.

How do I nominate a representative?

You may appoint a bargaining representative, which may be yourself or a colleague, by using the bargaining representative appointment form sent in October 2023 to employees covered by the proposed enterprise agreement.

You will need to return the signed form to employee.relations@mrl.com.au.

What is a log of claims?

Each party to the proposed enterprise agreement usually prepares a list of items (log of claims) they would like to negotiate. Those items are then discussed and negotiated during scheduled bargaining meetings.

How long will the bargaining process take?

The timeframe for making enterprise agreements varies and there is no set time limit. However, it is in the interests of all parties to reach an agreement as quickly as possible so that the terms of the enterprise agreement can be finalised.

Do I get to vote on the final proposed enterprise agreement?

Yes. All employees who will be covered by the proposed enterprise agreement and who are employed at the time of the vote will have an opportunity to vote on the agreement.

Although it is not compulsory to vote, you are strongly encouraged to participate as this is your opportunity to have your say.

Do I get time to consider what’s in the agreement?

All employees will have access to a copy of the final version of the proposed agreement at least seven days before they are asked to vote on it.

How is the agreement ratified/approved?

The proposed agreement is made when a majority of the employees covered by the agreement vote in favour.

A majority means that a minimum of 50% plus one of those employees that cast a valid vote, must vote in favour for the agreement to be approved.

Following the voting process, the agreement must be lodged with the Fair Work Commission for approval.

The agreement must pass what is known as the ‘Better Off Overall Test’, which means employees must be better off overall under the terms of the agreement then they otherwise would be under the terms of the applicable underlying modern award, the Mining Industry Award 2020.

The agreement will commence operation seven days after it is approved by the Fair Work Commission.

How can I provide feedback in relation to the agreement?

We encourage all employees who will be covered by the agreement to provide feedback and ask any questions they may have. You can direct any feedback, suggestions or questions to your direct supervisor or emailing employee.relations@mrl.com.au.

You are also encouraged to discuss any questions with your supervisor or any member of the HR team.

Throughout the bargaining process, we will update these FAQs to add other relevant questions as they arise.

Where can I find out more about enterprise bargaining generally?

Further information about enterprise bargaining can be found on the Fair Work Commission and Fair Work Ombudsman websites.

Bargaining meeting minutes

Read the meeting minutes

Meeting 4 (PDF, 167KB)
Meeting 3 (PDF 192KB)
Meeting 2 (PDF 194KB)
Meeting 1 (PDF, 190KB)

Management updates

View all management updates

Other resources

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