MIN | $30.24 (-6.09%)
MIN | $30.24 (-6.09%)

Yilgarn transition

What's happening?

Since announcing the Yilgarn transition to care and maintenance, our recruitment team has been dedicated to matching employees who have lodged an expression of interest to open positions across the MinRes business.

To date, we have had more than 800 expressions of interest (EOIs) completed, and over 80 people have already been redeployed. If you haven’t submitted your EOI yet, please do this as soon as possible. This will improve the likelihood of being offered a role that suits your preferences.

Please refer to the below FAQs for more information.

More information here

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Internal Careers Portal

Click here to view all roles open

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Expression of Interest - Mobile
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Expression of Interest - Desktop
Mineral Resources Image
Internal Careers Portal

Click here to view all roles open

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Expression of Interest - Mobile
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Expression of Interest - Desktop

Ramp Down Plans

July 2024 Updates

What do operations look like between now and the end of the year?

Following the announcement of the Yilgarn transition, we immediately ceased work on our J4 and A-Pit operations at Mt Jackson and Koolyanobbing, with equipment relocated to other sites. All mining employees working on these operations have been successfully redeployed.

Mining is planned to cease in Windarling in October with the Deception mining fleet and reduced northern operations intra-mine haulage continuing through to December. The Drill and Blast workload will decrease in line with the mining plan and Drill and Blast workers will transition to other sites progressively – predominantly to Bald Hill.

The Kooly crusher and hub will close from October 2024 and all crushing will be run via Carina. Crushing at Carina will continue until the move into care and maintenance, along with haulage from Parker Range to Carina.

Employees will be progressively redeployed in line with these plans.

Is there a chance that other operations may stay open beyond the end of the year or re-open in the future?

While our current plans are focused on ramp down and redeployment, we continue to conduct exploration activities and run a number of scenarios to keep parts of the Yilgarn open.If a commercially viable option was presented we would consider it.

What’s happening with MRT Haulage?

Further to recent briefings on site, the transition for employees across the13 Yilgarn sites where MRT operate has begun. In July the first of 15 MRT employees were redeployed to Onslow for the start-up of the 509 Haulage trucks.

Another 122 MRT employees will be redeployed to Onslow during August, September and October. Some MC drivers based in Queensland will move to Weipa for a period of time.

Further transition work is ongoing and Jason Holmes, GM Ports and Logistics, will visit site regularly to provide updates including any potential changes or extensions to the Parker Range / Carina plans.

Expression of Interest (EOI)

July 2024 Updates

What’s happening with the EOI process?

Yilgarn employees are being priortised for every open position at MinRes. Employees are asked to express their interest for their preferred sites and rosters by completing an EOI form. To date 800 Yilgarn employees have expressed an interest in a new role at MinRes.

Our recruitment team is dedicated to matching people to open positions that suit their preference, and will be working closely with all employees to discuss redeployment options. Some retraining is also being offered.

There are many exciting opportunities at MinRes - we hope you choose to continue your career with us by completing the EOI form.

When do EOIs close?

The EOI form will close on 21 July 2024.

What if I don’t fill out am EOI form?

If you don’t fill out an EOI form by the completion date, our recruitment team will still be in contact and you will still be offered an equivalent role where one is available. You are strongly encouraged to complete the EOI form to ensure the role you are offered meets your preferences.

Where do I get an EOI form from?

There are three ways to get a copy of the form:

Redeployment Process

July 2024 Updates

When will I know the details of a transfer opportunity?

Transfers will be confirmed between July and December 2024. Once a suitable role is found, you will be contacted by the recruitment team to inform you of the role, and a change of conditions letter will be issued to be signed by you and your manager.

Do I have to accept the role offered to me?

Every effort will be made to offer you a role that suits your requirements. However, if the transfer opportunity you’re offered doesn’t suit your needs, you can speak with our recruitment team to understand your options.

What if the transfer opportunity I’m offered has a different roster to my current role?

MinRes offers many different roster options which means you may be offered a role that has a different roster to your current role. Please speak with our recruitment team to understand what a different roster means for you.

What if the role I am offered doesn’t match my preferences?

It’s unlikely that we will be able to offer everyone a role that matches their exact preferences.If you’re offered a role that is considered equivalent to your current role, but doesn’t match your preferences, please discuss your options with our recruitment team.

Are there enough roles across the business to accommodate everyone from the Yilgarn?

Our recruitment team is working closely with the business to ensure everyone who expresses a desire to stay with MinRes can do so. We continue to grow as a business and opportunities are opening all the time. If you’re offered an opportunity we hope that you will choose to take it and continue your career with MinRes.

I’m DIDO in the Yilgarn and live locally. What are my options to continue in a DIDO role?

Please include your preference to continue a DIDO role on the EOI form. If you live locally, we will work with you closely to try and source a suitable DIDO option.

I want to stay and be on the Yilgarn care and maintenance team. How will this be selected?

Make sure you indicate this preference on your EOI form, noting that the Yilgarn care and maintenance team will be small. Employees will be selected based on the skillsets required to run the project in a care and maintenance phase.

Will Yilgarn employees be prioritised for roles at Onslow?

Yes, we need good people experienced with MinRes operations to support our Onslow operations. Yilgarn employees will be prioritised for every open position across the company, including Onslow.

Remuneration & Benefits

July 2024 Updates

Will the role I’m offered be paid the same as my current role?

This will depend on the opportunity offered, including the role and roster worked. If there is a change to your pay, it will be discussed with you as part of the transfer process.

Will my service be recognised?

Yes, if you are transferred or redeployed into another role at MinRes, your previous service and leave entitlements will carry over.

June FAQs

June 2024 Updates

What is happening at the Yilgarn?

For some time we have been conducting a comprehensive assessment to explore options for the future of the Yilgarn. After assessing all the options, the assessment demonstrated that continuity of exports was not financially viable beyond the end of this calendar year.

This decision was due to a combination of factors, including the limited remaining mine life across the five operating sites spread out over 200kms, and the significant capital cost and lead time required to develop new resources to ensure continuity of supply.

As a result, we intend to cease Yilgarn exports by 31 December 2024.

Am I going to still have a job once the project ceases exports?

Our aim is to redeploy or re-train team members over the next seven months, while retaining a skeleton crew at the Yilgarn beyond 2024.

Will exploration be scaled down as well?

Drilling and exploration programs will continue across the Yilgarn project.

What rosters are available across our MinRes sites?

The table below provides a breakdown of rosters available at different sites across MinRes.

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Please note rosters may vary from time to time depending on department and client requirements.

Where can I find more information?

We have set up this dedicated webpage which includes further details on the transition, links to the EOI form and access to our internal careers site so you can view the range of jobs we have available.

You can also email any questions you have to yilgarn@mrl.com.au or speak to your Leader or a member of the People team.

Submit your question

If you have additional questions, please submit them here.

Jobs for our people

Around 1000 MinRes employees will be impacted by this change and our People team will work closely with our teams in the Yilgarn on redeployment opportunities across our other operations

MinRes has nearly 800 open positions, and with natural attrition, we hope to be able to redeploy and retain as many people as possible who want to stay with the business.

Yilgarn employees will be prioritised for open positions at MinRes and some retraining programs will be offered for employees who would like to explore a different role.

Support is available

There are many resources available if you need support or guidance during this time and we encourage you to reach out. Uncertainty can be stressful so please stay safe and look after yourselves and each other.

  • On site counselling: Dedicated counsellors will be onsite for those needing immediate support. Look out for details advertised around the site.
  • Mind Matters Counselling: Our in-house team provides free, confidential psychology and counselling services with unlimited sessions available in person, by phone, or via Teams. To access contact mentalhealthservices@mrl.com.au.
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Available 24/7 offering professional and confidential counselling for employees and their immediate family members. Click here or call 1800 808 374.

Reflecting on our journey

The Yilgarn is one of Australia’s oldest mining operations, with a history spanning over 60 years.

We are grateful for the contributions of everyone involved since MinRes began operating Carina in 2011, followed by the Jackson Ranges in 2015, Koolyanobbing in 2018 and Parker Range in 2019.

When MinRes took over Kooly with the State Government’s support, we committed to investing $500 million in the assets and to continue operating the mine for up to five years or 30 million tonnes shipped, in return for temporary royalty relief and other support.

Thanks to the outstanding work of our Yilgarn team, we have greatly exceeded these commitments. By May 2024 we had exported almost 41 million tonnes of iron ore and by the end of 2024, operations at Kooly will have reached almost 6.5 years.

We have also invested $850 million on assets since 2018 to maintain the operation.

It is an extremely complex and challenging operation and we could not have achieved everything we have without your continued dedication and support – thank you.

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