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MinRes Annual Reporting Suite: Legacy of Leadership

Published on 16 October 2023

Mineral Resources has today released its 2023 Annual Reporting Suite, which provides a comprehensive look at MinRes’ achievements over the past financial year.

The 2023 Annual Report celebrates the impact of leadership, from the stewards of the world’s oldest continuing culture to our people, who guide and support MinRes’ ambitious growth strategy.

Talking on the theme in his Managing Director’s Report, Chris Ellison said: “Every day, MinRes is leading innovation in the sector and across our diverse portfolio, driven by the best leaders in the industry and backed by the next generation who will drive the business for decades.

“This leadership has been on display throughout the year – with strong progress on the key projects that are the foundation of our future success.”

The 2023 Annual Report features portraits of more than a dozen Indigenous Elders from across Western Australia who offer insights into the value of leadership in protecting culture, knowledge and connection to land.

Noongar man and leading Aboriginal performer Dr Richard Walley is on the cover, while Kaprun Elder Brian Champion, Robe River Kuruma Elder Tuesday Lockyer, Ngarla Elder Stephen Stewart, Thalanyji Elder Anne Hayes and Kariyarra Elder Irene Roberts are among those pictured inside.

The Annual Report is also illustrated with images and personal reflections on leadership from the many current and emerging leaders throughout MinRes.

They include General Manager Operations and Development Rowan Hill, Senior Projects Manager Helen Studham, Executive General Manager People Andrea Chapman, Manager People and Logistics Olivia Woodward and Director Corporate Strategy and Growth Tim Picton.

The leadership theme also extends to the 2023 Sustainability Report, which reinforces MinRes’ commitment to continue improving the company’s sustainability performance and highlights recent progress in efforts to continue operating safely, responsibly and ethically.

Annual Reporting Suite highlights:

  • Onslow Iron received all major approvals, with construction at the mine site, haul road and the Port of Ashburton well progressed ahead of first ore on ship in mid-2024.
  • Record earnings delivered by the Lithium division, with construction of Mt Marion plant expansion completed and ramp up at Wodgina continuing.
  • Announced two onshore natural gas discoveries at the North Erregulla and Lockyer 3 exploration wells in the onshore Perth Basin.
  • CSI Mining Services awarded six new contracts with Tier 1 clients, while the development of autonomous road trains and purpose-built transhippers continues to progress.
  • Grew our diverse workforce with female workforce participation rising to 22.2 per cent in FY23 and Indigenous representation increasing to 3.5 per cent.
  • Increased community contributions by almost 30 per cent, with a total of $7.5 million delivered through the MinRes social investment program to more than 120 organisations.
  • Grew our board with the appointments of Emeritus Professor Colleen Hayward AM and former Australian Test cricketer Justin Langer as Independent Non-Executive Directors.

To view the 2023 Annual Reporting Suite, click here.


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