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MIN | $30.24 (-6.09%)

Simon Hibben

Military model builder

Field Assistant

Mineral Resources Image

Artist: Russell James

Size: 91cm x 91cm

Medium: Black and white photography printed on fine art photographic rag paper

"Building ships and military hardware, albeit very small scale models of very large and complicated machines, is an intricately detailed and engrossing pastime. It demands a steady hand, deep concentration and an appreciation for the ‘big picture’. When I’m occupied with my models, my mind is completely focused, and the worries of the day and the world don’t get a look in. It’s really superb for my mental health. So far I’ve completed six ships, five aircraft and a tank. My goal is to find and complete a 1/200 scale model of the Imperial Japanese Navy’s Yamato. It’s out there somewhere, waiting for me."
Mineral Resources Image